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F-zero - Pure White Land (White Land 1&2) (2003
F-zero - Lake of Firefield (Firefield) (2003)
Duck Hunt - Oh Shit, This is Real Shit (Clay Sound Effect) (2004)
Secret of Mana - Holy Night (Pure Land) (2004)

Final Fantasy VII - Beginning of the End (Birth of a God) (2007)
Street Fighter 2 - Urban Uppercut (Sagat) (2007)
Street Fighter 2 - Urban Uppercut (Sagat) (2007)
Castlevania Circle of the Moon - Proof of Blood (Arranged) (2007)
Donkey Kong Country - Aerofunknamics (Funky's Fugue) (2008)
Super Metroid - Jade Catacombs (Brinstar Plant Overgrowth Area) (2009)
Top Gear 2 - Dance Nation (Auckland) (2009)
Final Fantasy IV - Golbez 'N Goblins (Golbez, Clad in Darkness) (2009)